A capacitor holds 0.03 coulombs of charge when fully charged by a 6-volt battery. How much voltage would be required for it to hold 2 coulombs of charge? Ans.(400 V)

Given Data:

Charge on Capacitor = Q 0.03 C 

voltage = 6 V

To Find:

The voltage required to hold 2 C of charge V = ? 


By unitary method

0.03 coulombs of charge  =  6 volt

1 coulombs of charge  =  `\frac{6 V}{0.03 C}`

2 coulombs of charge  =  `\frac{6 V}{0.03 C}`x2 C

2 coulombs of charge  =  400 V ----------------Ans

thus, 400 voltage would be required for a Capacitor to hold 2 coulombs of charge



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