A resistor of resistance 5.6 Ω is connected across a battery of 3.0V by means of a wire of negligible resistance. A current of 0.5A passes through the resistor. Calculate 
(a) Power dissipated in the resistor. 
Total power produced by the battery. 
Give the reason for the difference between these two quantities. 
 Ans. [(a) 1.4W (b) 1.5W (c) some power is lost by the internal resistance of the battery)

Data Given:

Resistance of resistor = R = 5.6 Ω 

Voltage of a battery = V = 3 V

Current = I = 0.5 A

To Find:

(a) Power dissipated in the Resistor = P = ?
(b) Power produced by the battery = P = ?

(c) Reason for the difference between the power dissipated and the power produced. 


by using following the formula of power dissipated according to the given data

P = R 

by putting values

P = (0.5 A)² (5.6 Ω)

P = 0.25 A² x 5.6 Ω

P = 1.4 W

by using following the formula of power of battery According to the given data

P = V I 

by putting values

P = 3 V x 0.5 A

P = 1.5 W

Difference = 1.5 W - 1.4 W = 0.1 W

0.1 W is the difference of power between the two quantities is the power that has been lost due to internal resistance of the battery



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