HSSC-1 (Class-11) Solved Physics MCQs; Unit-6: Fluid Dynamics;  (New Book/KPK Text Board, Peshawar) With Verified Answers 

1. For substances that do not flow easily (like honey) have the value for the coefficient of viscosity

... Answer is B. high

2. A unit for viscosity, the centipoise, is equal to which of the following

... Answer is A. 10⁻³ N s/m²

3. Stokes law is applicable only if a body is moving through a liquid slow speed and has ______ shape.

... Answer is B. a spherical

4. The net force that acts on a 10 N falling object, when it encounters 4 N of air resistance is

... Answer is D. 6 N

5. A skydiver jumps from a high-flying helicopter. Before reaching terminal velocity, her acceleration

... Answer is B.  decrease

6. At terminal velocity the acceleration of a falling object is

... Answer is A. 0 m s⁻²

7. According to the equation of continuity Av = constant. This constant is equal to :

... Answer is D. volume flow rate

8. At the constriction in the cross-section for ideal flow, from the equation of continuity it follows that the speed of the fluid is

... Answer is A. greater
Given: ---------------------------------

9. As the water in a level pipe passes from a narrow cross-section of the pipe to a wider cross-section, the pressure against the wall

... Answer is A. increases

10. A 4 m high tank filled with water is drilled with four identical small holes at 1 m, 1.5 m, 2 m, and 2.5 m from the bottom of the tank, the speed of efflux will be greatest from the hole at

... Answer is A. 1 m

11. Venturi meter is a device used to measure the

... Answer is B. speed of the fluid

12. A certain pipe has a cross-sectional area of 0.0001 m² in which water is flowing at 10 m/s. The volume flow rate is :

... Answer is B.  0.001 m³/s
`\ frac {ΔV}{t}` = Av = 0.0001 m² x 10 m/s = 0.001 m³/s

13. At sufficiently high speeds the flow of viscous fluid becomes

... Answer is D. turbulent
Given: -------------------------

14.  The water in the tank is 10 m above the teak point. The speed with which the water emerges from the teak is

... Answer is B. 14 m/s
V = `\ sqrt {2gh} = `\ sqrt {2 x 10 ms⁻² x 10 m}` = 14 m/s

15. When the radius of the artery is reduced, the blood pressure

... Answer is B. decreased
Given: -----------------------------

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