1. A current is flowing North in a magnetic field that points West. It experiences

... Answer is B. a force up.

2. Two long, straight wires have currents flowing in them in the same direction, the force between the wires is

... Answer is A. attractive.

3. One weber is equal to

... Answer is D. N m/A

4. Magnetic flux will be maximum if the angle between magnetic field strength and vector area is

... Answer is A.

5. Ampere's law is applied to any 

... Answer is D. closed path

6. When the number of turns in a solenoid is doubled without any change in the length of the solenoid its self-induction will be

... Answer is A. Four times

7. If the charge is at rest in a magnetic field, then the force on the charge is :

... Answer is D. zero

8. Work done on a charged particle moving in a uniform magnetic field is

... Answer is C. zero

9. The Earth's northern magnetic pole acts like this:

... Answer is B. the south pole of a magnet

10. The pole pieces of the magnet in the galvanometer are made concave to make the field

... Answer is D. Both A and B

11. When a small resistance is connected parallel to a galvanometer, the resulting circuit behaves as

... Answer is B. Ammeter

12. To measure the voltage the voltmeter is connected to the circuit in

... Answer is B. parallel

13. The resistance of the ideal voltmeter is

... Answer is D. Infinite

14.  The torque in the coil can be increased by increasing

... Answer is D. All of these


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