1. For inducing e.m.f. in a coil the basic requirement is that

... Answer is D. both B and C are true

2. When a single-turn coil rotates in a uniform magnetic field, at uniform speed the induced e.m.f. will be

... Answer is A. Alternating

3. Principle of dynamically induced e.m.f. is used in a

... Answer is C. Generator

4. In Fleming's left-hand rule thumb always represents the direction of

... Answer is D. Mechanical force

5.  The field at any point on the axis of a current-carrying coil will be

... Answer is B. Parallel to the axis.

6. When a coil rotated in a magnetic field the induced current in it

... Answer is A. continuously changes

7. In the A.C generator increasing the number of turns in the coil :

... Answer is C. increases the Electromotive force (e.m.f.)

8. The device in which induced e.m.f. is statically induced e.m.f. is

... Answer is A. transformer

9. What is the coefficient of mutual inductance, when the magnetic flux changes by 2 x 10⁻² Wb, and the change in current is 0.01 A?

... Answer is A. 2H

10. The induced e.m.f. in a coil is proportional to

... Answer is B. rate of change of magnetic flux through the coil

11. In a coil current changes from 2 to 4 A in 0.05 s. If the average induced e.m.f. is 8 V then the coefficient of self-inductance is

... Answer is A. 0.2 henry

12. Which of the following, quantities remain constant in step-up transformer?

... Answer is C. power

13. Step-up transformer has a transformation ratio of 3:2. What is the voltage in the secondary, if the voltage in the primary is 30V?

... Answer is A. 45 V

14.  Eddy current is produced when

... Answer is A. a metal is kept in a varying magnetic field


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