1. The r.m.s. value of a sine wave is 100 A. Its peak value is

... Answer is B. 141.4 A

2. A sine wave has a frequency of 50 Hz. Its angular frequency is ___________________ radian/second.

... Answer is A. 100 ã„«

3. The power factor of a purely resistive circuit is

... Answer is B. unity

4. A capacitor is perfectly insulator for

... Answer is A. Direct current

5.  The peak value of alternating current is 5√2 A. The mean square value of the current will be

... Answer is D. 5² A

6. In the choke coil the reactance `\X_L` and resistance R are related as

... Answer is C. `\X_L` ≫ R

7. The phase difference between the current and voltage at resonance is :

... Answer is A. 0

8. In the AC system we generate a sine waveform because

... Answer is B. It produces the least disturbance in electrical circuits

9. An alternating voltage is given by 20sin 157t. The frequency of alternating voltage is

... Answer is B. 25 Hz

10. In LR current which one of the following statements is correct?

... Answer is D. The inductive reactance decreases with frequency.

11. An alternating quantity (voltage or current) is completely known if we know it's

... Answer is B. both (a) and (b)

12. For electromagnetic waves, Maxwell generalized

... Answer is D. amperes law

13. An electromagnetic wave goes from air to glass which of the following does not change?

... Answer is D. Ultrasound waves

14.  The circuit in which current and voltage are in phase, the power factor

... Answer is B. 1

15. with an increase in the frequency of an AC supply, the impedance of an RLC series circuit

... Answer is B. increases


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