1. The shear modulus of elasticity G is

... Answer is C. F/Aθ

2. The temperature at which material becomes a superconductor is called

... Answer is B. critical temperature

3. Which of the following is not a ferromagnetic material?

... Answer is D. Barium

4. The ratio of stress to strain is

... Answer is C. Constant

5.  A wire is stretched to double its length. Its strain is

... Answer is B. 1

6. Which modulus of elasticity is involved in compressing a rod to decrease its length?

... Answer is A. Young's modulus

7. A wire is stretched to double its length. The strain is: :

... Answer is B. 1

8. If both the length and radius of the rod are doubled, then the modulus of elasticity will

... Answer is C. remains the same

9. Curie temperature is a point where

... Answer is C. ferromagnetism changes to paramagnetism

10. A cable breaks if stretched by more than 2 mm. It is cut into two equal parts. How much either part can be stretched with breaking.

... Answer is B. 1 mm


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