1. Triplets A and B board spaceships and head away from Earth in opposite directions, each traveling the same distance at the same speed before returning to Earth. Triplet C remains on Earth. Which expression describes the triplet's relative ages once they're reunited on Earth?

... Answer is C. A = B < C

2. If a spaceship travels from Earth to a planet in the Alpha Centauri star system, which observer measures the proper time for the trip?

... Answer is C. an observer on the spaceship

3. When you compress a spring between your fingers, its mass

... Answer is A. Increase
A compressed spring has more mass than an uncompressed spring

4. By doubling the absolute temperature of the black body, the total energy radiated will change by a factor of

... Answer is D. 16
According to Stefan-Boltzmann Law, E = σ T⁴

5.  According to Einstein, increasing the brightness of a beam of light without changing its color will increase:

... Answer is A. the number of photons.

6. Sources of red, blue, and yellow light each emit light with a power of 50 mW. The source which emit more photons is

... Answer is A. red

7. Of the following energies for photons, which is the least energy that could result in photoelectron production if the work function is 3.00 eV? :

... Answer is C. 3.50 eV

8. In a Compton scattering experiment at which angle does the electron carries maximum energy? (Assume that initially, the target electron is at rest).

... Answer is B. 90°

9. If X-rays are scattered from protons instead of electrons, the change in their wavelength for a given angle of scattering

... Answer is B. decreases

10. Pair production cannot take place in a vacuum because.

... Answer is B. Momentum is not conserved

11. According to the de-Broglie equation which one has the smallest wavelength associated with it

... Answer is C. α-particle

12. An electron and a proton have the same de-Broglie wavelength. Then the kinetic energy of the electron is

... Answer is D. greater than the kinetic energy of the proton

13. In an Electron microscope, the light source is replaced by a beam of very fast moving

... Answer is A. electron
: -------------------------

14.  According to Heisenberg, as the uncertainty in the measurement of a particle's momentum is reduced by a factor of 2, by what factor is the uncertainty in that same particle's position changed?

... Answer is c. 2


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