1. One unified mass scale (1u) is equal to:

... Answer is A. 1.660 x 10⁻²⁷ kg

2. The number of neutrons in `\ ^{7}Li` is

... Answer is B. 4

3. Sum of the masses of constituent nucleons as compared to the mass of the resultant nucleus is

... Answer is B. greater

4. Which one of the following nuclear radiation is similar to electrons

... Answer is C. β⁻

5.  One curie is equal to

... Answer is D. 3.70 x 10¹⁰ Bq

6. Half-life of the lodine-131 ( ¹³¹I ) is 8.02 days and its weight is 20 mg. After 4 half-lives, the amount left un-decayed will be:

... Answer is C. 1.25 mg

7. The unit of decay constant λ is :

... Answer is D. s⁻¹

8. In fission of `\ ^{235}U`, neutrons used have energies of about

... Answer is D. 0.04 eV

9. The nucleus that results from the reaction `\ _0^{1}n` + `\ _8^{16}N` ⟶ ? + `\ _1^{2}H` is

... Answer is A. `\ _0^{15}N`

10. The resulting nucleus in the reaction `\ _0^{1}n` + `\ _{56}^{137}Ba` ⟶ ? + γ is

... Answer is A. `\ _{56}^{138}Ba`

11. The quantity of `\ ^{235}U` in naturally occurring uranium is about

... Answer is A. 0.7%

12. In Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR), the type of uranium used is

... Answer is C. `\ ^{238}U`

13. Nuclear force exists between

... Answer is D. All of these
: -------------------------

14.  Which of the following is a boson

... Answer is C. photon

15. The hadrons formed by the combination of quark and anti-quark pairs are called

... Answer is B. mesons
Given: --------------------------

16.. All free particles have a color charge of

... Answer is A.  0


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