A long solenoid having 1000 turns uniformly distributed over a length of 0.5 m produces a magnetic field of 2.5 10⁻³ T at the center. Find the current in the solenoid. (Answer: 1 A) 


Number of turn of Solenoid =  N =  1000 = 1 x 10⁴

Length  = L = 0.5 m

Magnetic Field = B = 2.5 x 10⁻³ T

Permeability of free space = µ₀ = 4 ㄫ x 10⁻⁷ H m⁻¹

To Find:

Current in the Solenoid = I = ?


We have the following relation

Using Ampere's Law

B = `\frac {N}{L}` µ₀ I


`\frac {BL }{Nµ₀}`

by putting the corresponding values

`\frac {2.5 x 10⁻³ T x 0.5 m }{1 x 10⁴ x 4 x 3.1416 x 10⁻⁷ H m⁻¹}`

`\frac {1.25 x 10⁻³ T m }{12.566 x 10⁻⁴ H m⁻¹}`

= 0.0995 x 10⁻¹ A


= 0.995  A ---------------Ans.

⭐ Henry 'H' is the unit of measurement for Inductance:

1 H = Wb A⁻¹ =  V s A⁻¹ = kg m² s⁻² A⁻²   [Wb= Weber, A=Ampere, V=Volt]

⭐ Weber 'Wb' is the unit of measurement for Magnetic Flux:

1 Wb =  V s = kg m² s⁻² A⁻¹   

⭐ Tesla 'T' is the unit of measurement for Magnetic Field:

1 T =   wb m⁻² = N m¹ A⁻¹ = kg m s⁻² A⁻¹   


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