It is desired to make an A.C generator that can produce an emf of 5 kV with 50 Hz frequency. A coil of area 1 m² consisting of 200 turns is used as an armature. What should be the magnitude of the magnetic field in which the coil rotates? (Ans: 0.08 T). 

Data Given:

Maximum value emf produced= `\Ɛ_0` = 5 kV = 5 x10³ V

Frequency = f = 50 Hz

Area of coil = A = 1 m²

Number of turns = N = 200 

To Find:

Magnetic field strength = B = ?


The relation for the Maximum value of emf  `\Ɛ_0` is given 

`\Ɛ_0`  = B  N A

where ധ = 2πf


B = `\frac {Ɛ_0}{2πfNA}`

Putting the corresponding values 

B = `\frac {5 x10³ V}{2 x 3.1416 x 50 Hz x 200 x 1 m²}`

B = `\frac {5000 V}{62832 Hz m²}`

B = 0.0796 T


B = 0.08 T -------------Ans.


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