Find the value of the current and inductive reactance when A.C. voltage of 220 V at 50 H z is passed through an inductor of 10 H. (Ans: `I_{rms}` = 0.07 A, `X_L` = 3140 Î© )

Data Given:

Voltage = V =  220 V

Frequency of A.C. supply = f = 50 Hz

Inductance = L = 10 H

To Find:

(i) Inductive Reactance `\X_L` = ?

(ii) Root Mean Square (rms) current = `\I_{rms}` = ?


(i) Inductive Reactance `\X_L` = ?

The formula for inductive Reactance is given by:

`\X_L` = à´§L = 2ã„«fL

by putting values

`\X_L`  = á€š L = 2ã„«f L

by putting values

`\X_L`  = 2 x 3.1416 x 50 Hz x 10 H 

`\X_L`  = 3141.6 Î©  ---------------Ans. 1

(ii) Root Mean Square (rms) current = `\I_{rms}` = ?

The current is given by:

`\I_{rms}` `\frac {V}{X_L}`

`\I_{rms}` `\frac {220 V}{3141.6 Ω}`

`\I_{rms}` = 0.07 A -----------------------Ans. (2)


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