What stress would cause a wire to increase in length by 0.01% if Young's modulus of the wire is 12 x 10¹⁰ Pa? What force would produce this stress if the diameter of the wire is 0.56 mm? (A n s: 1.2 x 10⁷ Pa, 2.96 N)

Given Data:

Tensile Stress = Ɛ = 0.01 % = `\frac {0.01}{100}` = 10

Young's modulus of steel  = Y = 12  10¹⁰ Pa

Diameter of the cylinder = D =  0.56 mm = 0.56 x10⁻³  m

Radius of the cylinder = r = `\frac {D}{2}` = `\frac {0.56 x10⁻³  m }{2}` = 0.28 x10⁻³  m

To Find:

Tensile Stress = σ?

Force = F = ?


Using Young's Modulus formula is 

Y = `\frac {Stress}{Strai n}` 

Y `\frac {σ}{Ɛ}`


σ = Y Ɛ

By putting values

σ = 12 x 10¹⁰ Pa   10

σ = 12 x 10⁶ Pa 


σ = 1.2 x 10⁷ Pa -------------Ans.1

Now using the formula for stress that is 

σ `\frac {F}{A}`


F = σ A

where A = area =  ㄫ r² So

F = σ ㄫ r²

putting the corresponding values

F = 1.2 x 10⁷ Pa  3.1416  (0.28 x10⁻³  m)²

[ 1 Pa = 1 N m⁻² ]

F = 3.76992 x 10⁷ m²  0.0784 x10⁻⁶  m²

F = 0.295561728 x 10 N


F = 2.956 N --------------Ans.2


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