A coil of 10 turns and 35 cm² area is in a perpendicular magnetic field of 0.5 T. The coil is pulled out of the field in 1s. Find the induced emf in the coil as it is pulled out of the field.  (Ans: 1.75 x10⁻² V).

Data Given:

Number of turns of the coil = N = 10

Area = A = 35 cm² = 35 cm² = 0.0035 m²

Magnetic Field = B = 0.5 T

Time interval = Δt = 1.0 s

To Find:

Induced emf  Ɛ = ?


Using the following relation for induced emf

Ɛ = -N `\frac {Δф}{Δt}`

where Δф = ΔB . A = ΔB A  

taking absolute value the negative sign will become positive

|Ɛ| = |-N  `\frac {ΔB A}{Δt}`|

Ɛ = N  `\frac {ΔB A}{Δt}`

by putting the corresponding values

Ɛ = 10 x `\frac {0.5 T x 0.0035 m²}{1.0 s}`

Ɛ 0.0175 V

Ɛ 1.75 x10⁻² V ------------Ans.


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