How Plurals are formed:

From Regular Nouns:

Regular nouns are easily made plural with a few simple changes such as adding 's' or 'es' at the end of the word.

👉 by adding 's' to the singular noun:

boy ↠ boys,                  desk  desks,  

girl ↠ girls                  Cow  Cows.

👉 by adding 'es' :

Class ↠ classes            box ↠ boxes,  

branch ↠ branches,      dish  dishes

tax ↠ taxes,                  watch  watches

match  matches        brush  brushes 

👉 Most nouns ending in -o forms plural by adding es:

buffalo  buffaloes,        mango  mangoes

potato  potatoes           hero ↠ heroes 

volcano ↠ volcanoes       echo ↠ echoes 

👉 few nouns ending in -o and adds -s to form plural:

Solo  Solos                      logo ↠ logos 

kilo  Kilos                       ratio  ratios

piano  pianos                 Commando  command 

photo ↠ photos                 stereo  stereos

👉 noun ending with y preceded by a consonant, change y into i and add es:

baby  babies                 lady  ladies 

city  cities                     country  countries 

pony ↠ ponies                 story  stories 

army ↠ armies 

👉 Noun ending in 'f' or 'fe', form the plural by changing 'f' or 'fe' into 'v' and adding es:

thief  thieves                   wife  wives 

half ↠ halves                     wolf  wolves 

self  selves                     leaf  leaves 

shelf  shelves                  knife ↠ knives 

From Irregular Nouns:

Irregular nouns do not follow rules used for regular nouns.

The following rules are applied for irregular nouns.

👉 Some nouns charge into a plural by changing the inside vowel:

man  men                     foot ↠ feet 

Woman ↠ women             louse  ↠ lice 

goose  geese                 tooth  teeth 

👉 There are few nouns that form the plural by adding en: 

Ox  Oxen                     child ↠ children.

Nouns with no change:

There are some nouns that do not change their spelling to make their plurals.


deer, fish, sheep, hair, cattle, etc. 


Easy English Grammar Notes


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