Climate Change: The Early Signs 

Change is a painful process often. From the change in the season to people and behaviors, makes human beings vulnerable. The same is the case with Climate change which is the change in long-term weather patterns of an area. These changes over a longer period disturb the very nature of the area and have an adverse impact on species living in that area. Thus, climate change is a painful reality that is disturbing the human as well as other biological life on the planet Earth.

This climate change is not just a rapid or spontaneous happening. It took so long the humans to destroy basic natural phenomena like the warming of the earth's surface, normal to severe rainfall & temperature rise, and the cooling and heating of the earth and other Physical features. Human beings are responsible for climate change. This responsibility is because of basic human instincts of becoming more and more powerful and developed. The disturbances and unprecedented exploitation of nature in pursuit of development led to climate change over time. 

The industrial revolution and consequential increase in Carbon emissions i.e. burning of fuels causing smoke and dangerous gases are the reasons for climate change. 

The very early signs of climate change are very visible nowadays. The world saw unmatched heat in Summers and unseen cold waves in Winters. The sharp increase in global average temperature disturbed the meteorological phenomenon occurring in nature. Today, we saw torrential rains that are not foreseen. The rapid meltdown of glacial ice and resulting floods are other signs of change in the climate. Now, the weather patterns are pushed beyond the normal time periods. For example, after mid-August, the summers began to cool in Punjab and northeast but in 2022, summers seemed to have been prolonged. Floods, heat waves, and unexpected weather-related events are early signs of climate change. The change is deadly and requires urgent attention.


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