11th Physics MCQs Preparation 2022 and Onwards (Unit:  Measurements : Set-4 (50 MCQs)) for National MDCAT, ECAT, FPSC, PPSC, JOB Exam, Physics Lecturer, SSC, HSSC (F.Sc.), BS, MS Exams NTS, ETS, etc.

101. The ratio of micro to mega:

... Answer is A. pico

102. The ratio of one femtometer to one nanometer:

... Answer is C. 10⁻⁶

103. What is the radian measure between the arms of the watch at 5:00 pm?

... Answer is C. `\19^{th}` Century
As we know that in one complete revolution of hour hand there are 12 hours, and is also equal to 2𝛑 radians. So, by unitary method 12 hours = 2𝛑 radians 1 hour = 2𝛑/12 radians 1 hour = 𝛑/6 radians 5 hours = 5 (3.14159) /6 radians, = 2.61799 radians, by rounding off to the whole number we get, 3 radians

104. If the error in the measurement of the radius of the circle is 2%, then the permissible error in its area will be:

... Answer is C. 4%

105.  The number of significant digits in 4250:

... Answer is B. 4
The zero to the right side of significant digits are significant

106. The percentage error on one side of the cube is 2% then the percentage error in the volume of the cube is:

... Answer is C. 6%
Volume of cube = L³ = (2%)³ = 3 (2%) = 6% (the power is multiplied by % error/uncertainty.

107. The result of 4.6 cm + 2.57 cm + 7.830 cm is:: :

... Answer is C. 15.0
According to the rules of a significant figure, when two or more quantities are added or subtracted, the result is as precise as the least precise of the quantities. After adding or subtracting, the result should be rounded to the lowest number of decimal places as given in the input given number. In the given numbers 4.6 has the lowest decimal place (one DP). So, the result of the calculation should be rounded to one decimal place i.e. 15.0.

108. The temperatures of two bodies measured by a thermometer are t₁ = (20 ± 0.5) °C and t₂ = (50 ± 0.5) °C. The temperature difference and the error therein is

... Answer is C. (30 ± 1) °C
The fraction uncertainty is added in difference as well as in addition, multiplication, and division. As given t₁ = (20 ± 0.5) °C and t₂ = (50 ± 0.5) °C. Thus, t₂ - t₁ = (50 ± 0.5) °C - (20 ± 0.5) °C = ((50 - 20 ) ± (0.5 + 0.5) )°C = (30 ± 1 )°C; So, Option C. is the correct answer

109. (5.0 m ± 4.0%) x (3.0 s ± 3.3%)

... Answer is B. 15.0 m s ± 7.3%
The fraction uncertainty is added in difference as well as in addition, multiplication, and division. (5.0 m ± 4.0%) x (3.0 s ± 3.3%) = ((5.0 x 3.0 ) ± (4.0% + 3.3%) ) = (15.0 m s ± 7.3%). So, Option B is the correct answer.

110. If 7.635 and 4.81 are two significant numbers. Their multiplication in significant digits is:

... Answer is D. 36.7`
According to the rules of significant figures, when quantities are multiplied or divided, the result has the same significant figures as the quantity with the smallest numbers of significance. Of the given numbers, 4.81 has the lowest 3 significant figures. So, the result of the calculation should be rounded to the three significant figures. Here we have 7.635 x 4.81 = 36.72435 = 36.7 --Ans Option D. is the correct answer.

111. Compute the result to the correct number of significant digits 1.513 m + 27.3 m =

... Answer is B. 28.8 m
According to the rules of significant figures, when two or more quantities are added or subtracted, the result is as precise as the least precise of the quantities. After adding or subtracting, the result should be rounded to the lowest number of decimal places as given in the input given number. In the given numbers, 27.3 m has the lowest decimal place (one DP). So, in the result of the calculation should be rounded to one decimal place. Here We have 1.513 m + 27.3 m = 28.813 m = 28.8 m ---- Ans

112. How many significant figures does 1.362 + 25.2 have?

... Answer is B. 3
According to the rules of significant figures, when two or more quantities are added or subtracted, the result is as precise as the least precise of the quantities. After adding or subtracting, the result should be rounded to the lowest number of decimal places as given in the input given number. In the given numbers 25.2 has the lowest decimal place (one DP). So, the result of the calculation should be rounded to one decimal place. 1.362 + 25.2 = 26.562 = 26.6 (3 significant figures).

113. A student measures a distance several times. The readings lie between 49.8 cm and 50.2 cm. This measurement is best recorded as

... Answer is D. (50.0 ± 0.2) cm.
By taking the average, the best estimate is 50.0. The first reading will be 49.8 = 50.0 - 0.2 and the second reading 50.2 = 50.0 + 0.2. So, the uncertainty is ± 0.2. therefore, the correct answer is option C.

114.  (2.0 m ± 2.0% )³

... Answer is D. 8.0 m³ ± 6.0%
The Power is multiplied by the fraction uncertainty. So, (2.0 m ± 2.0% )³ = (2.0)³ ± (3 x 2.0%) ) = (8.0 ± 6.0%); Option D. is the correct answer.

115. The percent uncertainty in the measurement of ( 3.76 ± 0.25) m is

... Answer is B. 6.6%
Given: The formula for percentage uncertainty is: % uncertainty = ( uncertainty / best estimate ) x 100 = (0.25 / 3.75 ) x 100 = 6.6666 %

116.. The number of significant figures in the measurement of 0.00708600 is

... Answer is C. 6
In decimal fractions, ZEROs to the left of the significant figure are NOT significant and ZEROs to the right of the significant figure are significant. So, the correct answer is option C.

117. The precision of the measurement 385,000 km is :

... Answer is C. 1000 km
In measurement, the term precision describes the degree of exactness with which a measurement is made and stated (that is the position of the last significant digit). So, in the given measurement 385,000 km the position of the last significant digit (5) is in the thousand places. So, the precision of the measurement in 385,000 km is 1000 km.

118. The correct answer of `\frac {5.348 x 10⁻² x 3.64 x 10⁴}{1.336}` is:

... Answer is C. 1.457 x 10³

119. Absolute uncertainty in measuring instruments is equal to

... Answer is A. Least count

120. A precise measurement is one that has

... Answer is C. Greater precision

121. An accurate measurement is one that has less

... Answer is C. Fractional uncertainty

122. In a cricket match, 500 spectators are counted one by one. How many significant figures will be there in the final result?

... Answer is B. 3

123. The sum of the three numbers, 2.7543, 4.10, and 1.273, up to the correct decimal places is

... Answer is C. 8.13

124. 39.650 rounded off up to one decimal is

... Answer is A. 39.6

125.  Zero to the right of non-zero digits are:

... Answer is A. Significant

126. If the reading is taken with a measuring scale whose minimum division is 1mm, then the correct reading is:

... Answer is C. 0.215 m

127. The percentage error on one side of the cube is 2% then the percentage error in the volume of the cube is :

... Answer is A. 6%
Volume of cube = `\L^3`= `\(2%)^3` = 3(2%) = 6 % --- The power is multiplied to the % uncertainty

128. The number of significant figures in 4.003 is:

... Answer is C. 4

129. Zero error of the instrument is a type of?

... Answer is C. Systematic error

130. In multiplication and division of measurement?

... Answer is B. Absolute uncertainties are added

131. Percentage uncertainty in radius r is 2%. The percentage uncertainty in the volume of a sphere is?

... Answer is B. 6%
Volume of sphere = 4/3 ㄫ`\r^3`= ----`\(2%)^3` = ----- 3(2%) = 6 % --- The power is multiplied to the % uncertainty.

132. The error is constant for ___________ error:

... Answer is B. Systematic

133. The number of significant figures with increasing degrees of approximation:

... Answer is A. Decreases

134. A wire when heated shows a 2% increase in length. The increase in the cross-section area would be?

... Answer is C. 4%
A = L² = (2%)² = 2(2%) = 4% --- the power is multiplied with % uncertainty .

135.  The maximum possible error of reading taken with a meter rod at one end with the least count of 1 mm is:

... Answer is C. 0.5 mm
Max Error = Least Count / 2

136. The most accurate reading of the length of a 6.28 cm long fiber is

... Answer is B. 6.5 cm

137. The accuracy of the measurement depends on: :

... Answer is B. Percentage uncertainty

138. The uncertainty in measurement may occur due to?

... Answer is D. All of the these

139. Add 2.2kg 10.2 grams and 10.01 grams and round off the result we get:

... Answer is C. 2.2 Kg
Adding and rounding off the values after Converting from g to kg.

140. The thickness of a pencil measured by using a screw gauge (least count .001 cm) comes out to be 0.802 cm. The percentage error in the measurement is

... Answer is A. 0.125%
% uncertainty = ( uncertainty / best estimate ) x 100 = ( 0.001 / 0.802 ) x 100 = 0.125 %

141. if X₁ = 10.5 ± 0.1cm and X₂ = 26.8 ± 0.1cm then X₂ - X₁ is given by

... Answer is C. 16.3 ± 0.2 cm
The fractional uncertainty is added in difference -- as well as in addition, multiplication, and division

142. if V = 5.2 ± 0.1 volts, The percentage uncertainty will be:

... Answer is A. 2%
% uncertainty = ( uncertainty / best estimate ) x 100 = ( 0.1 / 5.2 ) x 100 = 1.9 % = 2%

143. For the Total assessment of uncertainty in the final result obtained by multiplication we add:

... Answer is B. percentage uncertainty

144. The percentage uncertainty in mass and velocity are 2% and 3%. The maximum uncertainty in the measurement of Kinetic energy is:

... Answer is B. 8%
K.E = (1/2) m v² = ---- + (2%) + (3%)² = ---- + (2%) + 2(3%) =---- + 8%. the power is multiplied with uncertainty and is added in the multiplication

145.  Significant figures in 0.000846 are

... Answer is D. 3
According to the rules of a significant figure

146. Zero is not significant only if it

... Answer is A. If it lies to the left of a significant digit

147. If the absolute uncertainty of an instrument is 0.01 then its least count is: :

... Answer is C. 0.01
Absolute uncertainty is also called as least count

148. The number of a significant figures in 8.80 x 10⁶ kg is:

... Answer is B. 3

149. In any measurement the significant figures are?

... ------------------------

150. A student added three figures 72.1, 3.32, and 0.003. The correct answer regarding the rules of the addition of the significant figures will be

... Answer is C. 75.4
According to the rules of significant figures, when two or more quantities are added or subtracted, the result is as precise as the least precise of the quantities. After adding or subtracting, the result should be rounded to the lowest number of decimal places as given in the input given number. In the given numbers 72.1 has the lowest decimal place (one DP). So, the result of the calculation should be rounded to one decimal place i.e. 75.4.



Select from the below Links for HSSC-I (Class-11) :  Physics MCQS Preparation

1. Unit:  Measurements: Set-1 (32 MCQs)Set-2 (50 MCQs)Set-3 (50 MCQs),                                   Set-4 (50 MCQs),   Set-5 (50 MCQs),  

2. Unit:  Vectors and Equilibrium: Set-1 (34 MCQs)

3. Unit:  Force and Motion: Set-1 (34 MCQs)

4. Unit:  Work and Energy: Set-1 (29 MCQs)

5. Unit:  Rotational and Circular Motion: Set-1 (31 MCQs)

6. Unit:  Fluid Mechanics or Dynamics: Set-1 (31 MCQs)

7. Unit:  Oscillations : Set-1 (27 MCQs)

8. Unit:  Waves : Set-1 (27 MCQs)

9. Unit:  Physical Optics : Set-1 (27 MCQs)

10. Unit:  Thermodynamics: Set-1 (34 MCQs),  


Shortcut Links For 

1. Website for School and College Level Physics   
2. Website for School and College Level Mathematics  
3. Website for Single National Curriculum Pakistan - All Subjects Notes 

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