4: The voltage across a 0.01 ÂµF capacitor is 240 sin (1.25 ï½˜ 10⁴ t - 30°) V. Write the mathematical expression for the current through it. 

Ans (I = 0.03 sin(1.25 ï½˜ 10⁴ t + 60°) A)

8: A resistor of resistance 30 Ω is connected in series with a capacitor of capacitance 79.5 ÂµF across a power supply of 50Hz and 100V. Find (a) impedance (b) current (c) phase angle and (c) equation for the instantaneous value of current. Ans (a. 50 Î©, b. 2A, c. 53° lead, d. 2.828 sin (314t + 53°) 

9: A coil having a resistance of 7 Î© and an inductance of 31.8 mH is connected to 230V, 50Hz supply. Calculate (a) the circuit current (b) phase angle (c) power factor. (d) power consumed. Ans (18.85, 55° lag, .573° lag, 2484.24 w) 

10: A capacitor which has a resistance of 10 Î© and a capacitance value of 100 ÂµF is connected to a supply voltage given as V₍â‚œ₎ = 100 sin (314t). Calculate the capacitive reactance, circuit impedance and peak current flowing into the capacitor. Ans (31.85 Î©, 33.4 Î© and 3A )


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